The point of sale as a service centre

Nowadays, Valora’s retail points of sale have many functions. They are located at the interface between the analogue and digital worlds and have now become veritable service centres.

Valora’s retail formats traditionally offer a physical range of products comprising, among other things, print media, tobacco products, food and non-food items. While hardly visible, services that offer telephony, gift cards as well as new payment and pick-up/drop-off options are growing strongly. The point of sale is increasingly transforming into a service centre. This is being made possible by innovative digital solutions with third-party companies as well as proprietary solutions and the dense network with around 2,800 points of sale. These serve customers in a convenient manner at the interface between the online and offline worlds – always close by and at their service in the evening and at weekends.

Photo: Noë Flum / Illustrations: Daniel Karrer. 

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