Valora, avec, Zürich HB, Foodvenience

avec: towards a new concept with courage and at full throttle

A Valora team developed the concept for the new avec stores in just five months. This concept incorporates the latest food-on-the-go and convenience trends and combines them in ‘foodvenience’ of the highest level.

avec: towards a new concept with courage and at full throttle 
Valora, Digitalisierung, Services, Verkaufsstelle

The point of sale as a service centre

Nowadays, Valora’s retail points of sale have many functions. They are located at the interface between the analogue and digital worlds and have now become veritable service centres.

The point of sale as a service centre 

Why there’s no longer any ok.– shampoo

Valora’s own ok.– brand is celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2019. In this time, the ok.– brand saw many highlights on its journey to becoming the cult brand it is today.

Why there’s no longer any ok.– shampoo 
E-Smoke: viel Rauch um nichts

E-smoking: all smoke, no fire?

Vaping is booming. Where did the e-smoke trend originate and how is demand developing in Germany and Switzerland?

E-smoking: all smoke, no fire? 
Food Trend

On the track of food trends

He creates what is later displayed in the show cases of BackWerk, Brezelkönig und Caffè Spettacolo in Switzerland; Riccardo Brunet is Food Developer at Valora. Together with his team he scouts tomorrow’s trends and writes new recipes.

On the track of food trends 
Digital, cloud, Google Cloud,, Engadine – your kiosk in the cloud

The wide range of products and services had posed a large number of challenges for the sales staff in Valora’s network. However, the new platform from the cloud supports them in an innovative way. – your kiosk in the cloud