Michael Mueller, CEO of Valora Group, looks back on 2020. The company’s main focus was on coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. In the interview he explains why Valora will emerge strengthened from the crisis.

Michael Mueller, CEO of Valora Group, looks back on 2020. The company’s main focus was on coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. In the interview he explains why Valora will emerge strengthened from the crisis.
Michael Mueller, CEO of Valora, looks back on 2019. Winning the SBB tender was one of the milestones. In the interview he explains how Valora has developed overall.
Ditsch pretzel bakery has not been able to avoid the pretzel for 100 years. It can be bought at every railway station in Germany and is now exported to 30 countries. In 2019, Ditsch celebrated its anniversary with Managing Director Seb Gooding and set a world record of a special kind.
Valora setzt bei ihren Mitarbeitenden auf Kontinuität. Seit mehr als 15 Jahren engagiert sich das Unternehmen mit Lehrstellen für den Nachwuchs in der Retail-Industrie. Ein …
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Valora CEO Michael Mueller comments on the 2017 financial year, Valora‘s strategy and expansion as a vertically integrated food service provider.
With the takeover of the food service company BackWerk, Valora has expanded its presence in Germany by more than 300 outlets. While in the past it specialised in inexpensive bread, BackWerk today positions itself as an indulgence destination with feel-good food.
The acquisition of Pretzel Baron in 2017 represents a milestone for Valora. The family company of Gary Gottenbusch opens the door to US customers. A market with high growth potential for the Group.